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"Hi Guys

I know it's been too long and I'm pretty damn disappointed in how the last couple of months has gone down both in myself and the direction the business has taken but I've got to be honest with myself and you guys in order to move forward in a positive light and get things back on track.
Sorry for the long email also but there is a lot to cover...
Firstly, as you'll know, my brother and I were running Mastering CGI as partners since late last year. Over the last two months, that partnership has broken down and we've had a falling out over multiple issues regarding the business.
The end result has been that I'm now running Mastering CGI myself again but obviously both the active courses have been extremely disrupted due to it all.
For a while, I wasn't even sure if the business would survive the dispute. There were serious threats and it became heated quickly and remained so up until about a week ago but please know that at no point was I going to let that stop me from releasing the content you guys paid for, even if that meant taking a heavy loss myself.
Thankfully, I'm nearly on the other side of all of this and I'm obviously becoming quite aware of your own disappointment which is warranted given the support you've shown me which has just been huge. It hurts to see what I started with such good intentions end up like this but I AM prepared to turn this bus around.
In order to make this happen, I've had to start by getting positive again and making some big changes in the business and my personal life because It's just simply impossible to sit down and record tutorials when you're stressed, living with someone you're fighting with constantly and in a negative head-space, I've tried, I really have. I just haven't been myself and as a result you're the ones who've been let down.
Last week I moved out to a temporary residence while I look for something more permanent. It's given me the chance to re-evaluate everything, come up with a plan and look for a new admin to manage the business because there is too much for me to do myself.
My primary goal moving forward has to be content creation, which really, at the end of the day, is all that matters to you guys and what I'm best at.
So now that I've gotten a lot of the weight off my shoulders, I'm sitting down and getting back into the groove of recording. I was smack in the middle of recording lesson 4 when all of this went down so I'm picking up where I left off.
My training is all but cancelled to make sure I actually have the energy to recover from this situation but my confidence is growing each day and I'm already feeling way more positive than where I was at a couple of weeks ago.
Lastly, I'm extremely sorry about all of this. I'm a much better CGI artist than I am a businessman. I'm learning from my mistakes one step at a time.
Just to reassure you, I'm not abandoning any of this, under any circumstances, ever. It's just not who I am as a person.
Thank you for everything you have done for me over the last two years, I will update you all on how things are progressing and my long term plan in the coming few days. That will include things like migrating to a new, improved web host to boost the speed of the site.
From here on out there will be no radio silence, even if the news isn't good.
Please remember, I'm always here via email if you need anything, support or otherwise.

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1) Choupi tu m'as doublé


2) vous avez été mauvaise langue sans aucune donnée en main sauf votre modjo "payé client livré" alors que ça peut êre tellement plus complexe parfois.


3) popol tu m"as tué. :D

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vous avez été mauvaise langue sans aucune donnée en main sauf votre modjo "payé client livré" alors que ça peut êre tellement plus complexe parfois.



Techniquement non c'est aussi simple que ça, tu payes pour un produit, peut importe la vie privée du vendeur, celle-ci n'est pas censé influé sur sa vie professionnelle.. et si c'est le cas, les assurances existe pour cela et sont censé remboursé/dédommagé le client...

Tout ce que je sais, c'est que jamais je ne me permettrais de faire un dixième de ce qu'il se permet de faire avec mes clients (et dans tous les cas je me prendrais un procès direct par une bonne grosse fournée d'avocats qui rigoleront zero...).


Et au passage, perso j'ai dis dès le départ:

J'ai mon avis sur la question perso (totalement subjectif bien sur...)


J'insiste donc à nouveau sur le "subjectif" et aussi sur le fait que moi aussi je peux écrire une tartine par mail à des gens que je ne verrai jamais et vice-versa pour leur expliquer que oui oui vous inquiétez pas blablabla, c'est n'est pas pour cela que ce j'écrirai sera vrai...


Bref... Ce qu'il fait reste intolérable, et non il n'y à aucune excuse à cela... 

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Yep c'est bien beau tous ça mais la réalité quelle qu'elle soit est parfois pas aussi simplec'est tous ce que je dis. Oui c'est pas bien ce qu'il fait, après les raisons si elles sont vraies restent valables... Ca pourrait être un décès ou je ne sais quoi c'est pareil, parfois c'est dur d'encaisser et de trouver le bon chemin vers la normalité, on est pas des robots et étant doté de language le mieux est d'en parler.

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Du coup j'ai zieuté son website et realisé que le dude est a Sydney!

Bam!! Email envoyé! On va essayer de catch up pour voir ce qu'il vaut et qu'est ce qu'il pourrait apporter.

Je vous tiendrai au jus!

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Bon, ça semble sur la bonne voie!


"Hi again guys!

Firstly, I've simply been blown away by the support received from all of you over the last week, it's been ridiculous and I probably don't deserve it, but it's really lifted my spirits and snapped me into action! 
Over the last few days you might have noticed the website has been getting some work done and I'm so happy to say that FINALLY I've changed web hosts. The site might have a few small issues as we finalise everything but so far there has been a 10x speed increase. I owe a huge thanks to Ronen Bekerman and his team for organising and assisting with this over the last week. 
I also mentioned that I'd be sending through my plans moving forward and in order to actually make a major difference I had to own up to my own problems.
The best solution I've come up with for this is to go back to my roots and stop working on the courses at home where I can be easily distracted. 
I'm extremely fortunate that Steve York, my old boss at Cream Studios is allowing me to work from the office moving forward which is so awesome because it's where the V-Ray course started along side the best workmates I've ever had (including Dmitry Ten, who took my old position by learning from my courses! He's doing unreal work!)
I will still be recording the lessons from home but 90% of the work will be done at the studio on a regular 9-5 schedule.
Once the Mastering Lighting and Hard Surface courses are finished, I will no longer be creating full courses for two reasons. 
1- after everything that has happened I don't feel comfortable with presales.
2- I'm feeling way more confident in offering individual lessons on topics that I can provide for a much cheaper price, based on user feedback!
If you are an experienced artist and are interested in producing single, 90 minute long lessons, please get in touch with me and we can speak about opportunities!
Also, I'm currently searching for a full time admin to manage the back end of the business and help grow the site by offering additional tutorials, hdris, textures, plugins and models I personally get excited about. You might have noticed we're now offering Real Displacement Textures in the store and will be releasing all 80 of Jørgen Herlands HDRIs in the next couple of days . This is just the start.
Lastly, now that I'm feeling way more energetic, I'll be getting ready to sit down and record some tutorials but before I do, I'm taking into consideration some of the feedback received. Mastering Lighting needs more theoretical approaches and breakdowns and Mastering Hard Surface will be going back to more simple explanations on how to work with specific situations you encounter day to day! This is my main priority again.
Ive been staying on top of all the emails but I do apologise if there's a delay getting back to you, like I said, your support, even when I've been down really makes me love doing this.

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Bonjour, moi j’ai déjà suivi ce tutoriel auparavant mais je peux te dire que  par rapport à d’autres tutoriels, ce n’est pas du tout complet. Il te donne tout simplement des pistes et à toi de voir le reste mais sur la toile, il y a des sites qui proposent des tutoriels gratuits et aussi simples, contenant toutes les bases et les éléments utiles et importants à savoir.

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